Red Boots

“Kinetic Red Boots”

Group 7

The main idea of our design was to create a static structure that could be converted into a kinetic structure exploiting the properties of the material tension and bending. Based on a single figure and repeating it twice, the goal was to create a sense of depth from the horizontal. We made the design of three different nodes or joints that would allow us our idealized objectives:



1) The cross- its main feature would be  join two elements in counterclockwise and prevent the buckling of these elements due to bending that would occur by elements located in the top.

2 ) The inverted K- the most important and central Union of the structure, which would be in contact with most of the bars , enabling the desired deflection at the main arch and in turn become a free joint along arc , allowing the structure due to the tension of one side to the other , moving from left to right , opposite directions.

3) The sucker – Due of its four arms this binding would give rigidity to the structure and in turn the union of the three individual structures, holding the rods and causing the tension and compression in these once started moving in both directions .


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Posted in Gustavo Adolfo Triana Martinez, Luis Leon Lopez, Wen Shan Foo | Comments closed


The Metamorphosis project is a series of geometrical moments obtained by stretching an assemblage of arched rods. There are 3 types of 3D-printed joints: the base joint (B) fixes the structure to the board, the “plug” joint (A) slots in and twist-locks into the base joint, and the ”slider” (C) connects and moves along two adjacent rods. The geometrical moments can be created by changing the position of the plug joint in the board, or also by moving the base joint into the laser-cut holes. The chosen arrangement either expands or contracts the shape of the metamorphosing caterpillar whilst the slider deforms the body in various axes. Finally, the addition of a hinge in the board allows for the compression of the structure at an different angles. Combining 3 different strategies, the object (or parts of it) can be stretched compressed and twisted into an infinite number of geometries.

Link to video!:

Meta-blog 1

Meta-blog 2

Meta-blog 5

Meta-blog 4

Meta-blog 3





Posted in Alessio Salvatore Verdolino, Mardet Gebreyesus, Ramin Shambayati | Comments closed

Lotus Flower


The Lotus Flower it’s a kinetic and dynamic structure.

The goal of the exercise was to producing 3d printed pieces and explore the design opportunities arising from the potential and limitations of the technology to create a dynamic assembly with 2mm diameter rods linked together by 3d printed pieces.


Our idea was to design just one joint. This joint should had the capabilities of generate through the connections between themselves and with the help of the elastic nature of the tubes in order to form two geometrical moments, one that’s goes up and another one than goes to the sides.

The dynamic nature of the joint allows a level of movement between the rods themselves in a translation system by moving the rods in to a circle to move within itself and transfigure into a bigger or smaller structure.

Lotus Flower1       LF5


Posted in Archana Kadaba Ramesh, Dhwani Samir Patel, Ricardo Perez Borbolla | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments closed

Swriling tower !


The principal goal of the project was to design an dynamic and transfiguring structure . The concept was to design joints which would allow parts of the structure to move, without reducing the overall structural integrity. The capability of motion using the joints was explored trying to enhance the aesthetic qualities.


Our thought process was to design a joint, which had the capability of motion of half circle to move within itself and transfigure into an variant structure .The initial study was to investigate the diverse resultant motion of  joint. The joint designed was an spwith slits with the other rods fitted in allowing  it to rotate on its axis at 180 degrees by taking advantage of the 3D printing technology .The bending properties of the pipe was explored and transforming the structure from a tower to swirling circular form. The 3D printing technology gave the opportunity to explore joints which resulted  in dynamic and kinectic changes in the form of the structure. Thus allowing the structure to transform from a tower to swirling circular form using rolling joints.


Posted in Alejandro Garcia Garcia, Ashwini Mani, Jhon Alexander Giraldo Mendez | Comments closed




Digital Fabrication – Exercise 3D Printing

Group 22: Gökhan Çatıkkaş, Juhi Patel, Sebastian Alvarado

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Posted in Ismail Gokhan Catikkas, Juhi Pravin Patel, Sebastian Alvarado Grugiel | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments closed