Tag Archives: simulated


Brief of the exercise: The exercise was to design a famous Panot hexagonal cement floor tile as designed by Gaudi in 1904.One of the particularity of this design was supposed to be the capacity to be inserted within a larger assembly and to create continuous patterns across several tiles.

Posted in Jose Roberto Diaz Braga, Niel Jagdish Parekh, Rodolfo Parolin Hardy | Also tagged , , | Comments closed


The thought was to overcome the limitations of the milling machine and the concrete hence present a tile that would appear to be visually soft and contrast to both the nature of the material and the machine. To achieve our goal we focused on two main aspects the first being the use of shadows to [...]

Posted in Apostolos Marios Mouzakopoulos, Chung Kai Hsieh, Mamta Srinivas | Also tagged , | Comments closed