DHUB FAB at Nits dels Museus

Nits dels Museus is a one night event in which all museums of Barcelona are open until 1am for free, during the second weekend of May. During this night the DHUB FAB, located at the exhibition Fabrication Laboratory (Curated by Marta Male-Alemany and produced by IAAC), offered the open lab sessions, an opportunity for anyone to make anything in a Fab environment. More than 200 visitors visited the Fab Lab and experienced live activities related with the implications and applications of digital fabrication.

For more pictures about the activity visit: https://picasaweb.google.com/fablabbcn/DHUB_NITSdelsMUSEUS#

The DHUB FAB is a project by the Fab Lab Barcelona and the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, in collaboration with the Disseny Hub of Barcelona. The DHUB FAB project just finished activities yesterday (May22nd), after more than 30 workshop offered to Schools and specialized professionals of different fields of knowledge and its relation with digital fabrication. For more information visit the DHUB FAB WEB

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