“Robot “Arm”"

This script operates 2 stepper motors using 2 potentiometers.  playing with the values allows you to calibrate the sensitivity of the motors.

#include <Stepper.h>

#define STEPS 100 // no. of steps on motor

Stepper stepper(STEPS, 8, 9, 10, 11); // stepper, number of steps, pins

Stepper stepper1(STEPS, 4, 5, 6, 7);

int potval0 = 0; //incoming potentiometer values

int potval1 = 1;

int previous = 0;

int previous1 = 0;

int potmin = 1023;// pot minimum and maximum for re-mapping the values

int potmax = 0;

void setup()


// set the speed of the motor (RPMs)




void loop()


// get the sensor value

potval0 = analogRead(0);

potval0 = map(potval0, potmin, potmax, 0, 100);//re-map sensor value to no. of steps

potval1 = analogRead(1);

potval1 = map(potval1, potmin, potmax, 0, 100);

int val = potval0;

int val1 = potval1;

stepper.step(val – previous); //number of steps sent to sensor

stepper1.step(val1 – previous1); // remember the previous value of the sensor

previous = val;

previous1 = val1;


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