IaaC at Sao Paulo – Brasil

Small, independent, and global. IaaC opens new opportunities for project development and collaboration in Brasil. IaaC team members Areti Markopoulou (IaaC Global School Director) and Tomas Diez (Fab Lab Bcn Project Manager) visited Sao Paulo to offer two conferences both at the post-graduate and undergraduate program of architecture and urbanism of the “Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo” of the University of Sao Paulo, and to define collaboration opportunities in the development of research projects pursuing the application of the new technologies in the construction of a more efficient, sustainable and advanced architecture.

An international cooperation agreement has been signed between IaaC and FAU-USP, and his Director Sylvio Barros Sawaya, reinforcing the relationship between institutions, by the knowledge transfer and support from IaaC on the development of new fabrication facilities and LAME-USP.

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