IaaC Lecture Series_May 28 < Miguel Rodríguez Casellas

Miguel Rodríguez Casellas holds a Master’s Degree in Architecture from Princeton University and a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Design form the University of Puerto Rico. His master’s thesis in 1991 already showed a concern for large-scale projects next to other interests in art criticism and cultural theory.
In the early nineties, Rodríguez Casellas worked at Rem Koolhaas’ Office for Metropolitan Architecture in Rotterdam, where he cultivated a taste for large-scale urban projects.
In recent years, Miguel partnered with architect Miguel Szendrey Ramos in a firm they named Ordinal, a multidisciplinary platform that seeks to radicalize professional practice from a fresh, rather playful perspective, looking for the vindication of a generation of architects that, according to them, lack a coherent cultural project. The name Ordinal plays with the etymology of a word that simultaneously produced the terms “order” and “ordinary,” as it is the search for hidden organizing patterns within the banal and ordinary what constitutes the methodological premise of the firm.
Since 1996, Rodríguez Casellas has been a professor of Theory, History and Design at ARQPOLI, the School of Architecture at Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, and succeeded Jorge Rigau as dean in 2006.

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