IaaC Summer School Final Presentation- Intersticial Spaces and Rancho Digital projects

Final Presentation
Rancho Digital and the Intersticial spaces are projects developed at Fab Labs and Informalism Workshop of the IaaC Summer School 2010, which took place at IaaC and Fab Lab Bcn in August 2010.
The Final Presentation took place on August 11th with the visit of the Dean of the Universidad Central de Venezuela, Cicilia Arocha, IaaC Director Vicente Guallart, IaaC Co-Director Willy Muller, and local and international visitors. 40 students, professors and professionals joined together to make this projects possible in 2 weeks of design, fabrication and assembly.

The intersticials spaces project was made out of the remaining structure of the Media House Project developed by IaaC and MIT in 2001. Made out of wood, the project looks into the creation of urban furniture and homeless refuge for people living in latinamerican streets.
The rancho digital project is a basic housing unit of 12sqmt, fabricated out of the remaining pieces of wood from the Fab Lab House Project developed at IaaC last June for the Solar Decathlon Europe competition. The rancho is also made out of wood, and recovers the idea of the parametric design related with the low – tech construction methods in the Caracas’ Barrios. Future plans includes the construction of the prototype in Petare, Caracas, the biggest slum on latinamerica.
The Fab Labs and Informalism Workshop recovers the mixture of different aspects of design, materiality and technology. The projects were developed on the basis of collaborative design, recycling, digital fabrication and do it yourself approach.
Workshop Faculty: Tomas Diez, Luis Fraguada
Collaborators: James Brazil, Fabio Lopez, Natalija Bolsjakov, and Brian Miller
Vicente Guallart (IaaC Director) and Cecilia Arocha (UCV Dean)
Vicente Guallart (IaaC Director) and Cecilia Arocha (UCV Dean)

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