
RSII: Selfsufficient building

This project intends to develop a new luxury hotel concept where the user has the opportunity to live an experience in a floating system moving around the world. The MORPHotels, thanks to their linear structure, developed around the vertebral spine, are able to adapt the shape according with the weather conditions and the site morphology.
The MORPHotels concept is based on four main strategies: SPACE IN BETWEEN: using the sea not only as a medium to move tourist from one point to another (like cruise ships) but take advantage from this “space in between” in order to discover unknown places; PLUG-IN CITY-ARBOUR: this artificial organism, during its continuous journey around the oceans and the seas, will stop for short or long periods in cities met throughout its trip becoming a temporary extension of them; ADAPTIVE SHAPE and FLOATING MOVEMENT.
SPACE IN BETWEEN: avoiding the classical logic of the cruise ship (with average cruise speed around 20 nodes the fuel consumption is 470 Liters/Km) this system would change the rules about the sea trips; the MORPHotels is always in movement with slow speed around the world and the tourist has to catch up it wherever it will be. The user won’t use it like a cruise ship that start from point A, reach the end point (B) and go back; here the segment A-B is only a small part of the entire-endless way of the MORPHotel.

weaverbird’s plug-in

GH makes possible to change the position of the main services inside the structure and to connect to this to the dimension of the vertebra. At the same time is possible to deformate the shape of the spine obtaining the deformation of the entire system.
Also, using weaverbird’s plug-in, is possible to tranform geometric boundingbox shape in a more organic one according with the logic of the artificial organism.

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