Open Thesis Fabrication – Visits

Entering the facilities of Escofet.

Enric Pericas is explaining how the design of a bench can become more functionable and confortable, using as an example the ¨Blow Up¨ bench, a design by the architects Luis M.Mansilla and Emilio Tuñón.

Enric Pericas is demonstrating the new advanced concrete that can deliver very thin results. The design of this benches is by Cruz and Ortiz Architects.

Benches at the last state ready to be packed and shipped. Design by Francisco Rodriguez.
The visit at Escofet appeard to be significant for the understanding of the manipulation of concrete for complex geometries. The students of the Open Thesis Fabrication with the guidance of Enric Pericas had the change to see first hand the production of interesting projects made by famous architects and get a general idea of  how their being produced. As well they were introduced to the tecniques for a cutting-edge quality result.

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