RSIII. Digital Tectonics (FAB)BOTS – Final Presenations

   The final presentations for the design research studio ended with MAA students presenting their works, to invited guest Mara Balestrini (Communicator / Microsoft),  Borja Martinez(Art Director,,  Olaf Gipser( Architect,, Jordi Truco(Architect /, Carme Romero(Research Director  Jorge Velazquez (Robotic Engineer,  Olga Subiros(Architect /, Catalina Pollack (Architect), Esteban Colmenares (Architect), Faculty Marta Malé-Alemany , Victor Vina, Luis Fraguada, Assistant Cesar Cruz Cazares and fellow students.
Overall guests and critics were impressed by the amount of work done by students in the brief amount of time (four months) – This work involved forming a thesis for the development of the machine – the accessibility, adaptability, and specifity of the project. This also includes computation based on scripting, processing and Arduino, material engineering where some made their custom material to suit their machine, to making tools which adhere to the type of material that is made for the situation. seven different projects, seven different outcomes.

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