Tel Aviv- IaaC Summer Workshop Final Presentations

Tel-Aviv College of Management Faculty Arielle Blonder with students and IaaC workshop supporter James Brazil

Lecture by Andrea Graziano and Alessio Erioli from Co-de-iT

Tel-Aviv / Barcelona - the workshop has ended with students researching more on their systems and ways of proposing urban solutions for their city – Tel-Aviv as well as some parts of spaces in Barcelona.
The past week, these students  have been working hard on their projects where they started to test their proposals where their work was part of the fabricating process and the vice versa. Through out this time they also had visiting lectures from Kuka robotics company and also from Andrea gramazio and Alesio Erioli from
Students have presented their proposals to  IaaC  Co-Director Marta Male-Alemany, IaaC Faculty Areti Markopoulou, FabLab BCN  Manager Tomas Diez, Faculty of Tel-Aviv college of Management Arielle Blonder and Guy Austern and Iaac Workshop supporters.

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