A Royal Reception for IAAC in Tel Aviv

(Above- IAAC Staff Areti Markopoulou and Luis Fraguada (left) introduce Parameter: Digital Collaborative Design to Felipe de Borbon y Grecia and Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano)

On April 10, 2011, in the presence of Their Royal Heighnesses Felipe de Borbon y Grecia and Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano of Spain, IAAC Global School Director Areti Markopoulou and IAAC Digital Tools Faculty Luis Fraguada inaugurated the exhibition Parameter: Digital Collaborative Design also with the Spanish Ambassador to Israel, Mr. Alvaro Irenzo. The exhibition is a collaboration with The College of Management in Tel Aviv.

Above- Areti Markopoulou showing Felipe de Borbon how to create his own piece of the exhibition in the Collaborative Cloud program CCloud (Collaborative Cloud)

Create your own piece of the exhibition with the Collaborative Cloud. This exhibition will continue to grow as designs are submitted. Anyone can participate! Visit the CCloud website to learn more.

(Above- Felipe de Borbon y Grecia and Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano view the Fab Lab Solar House on display in the exhibition.)

(Above- Fab Lab Solar House on display in the exhibition.)


IAAC staff is currently giving a five day workshop to students and professionals entitled: Data-Driven Structures.

The Data-Driven Structures workshop will focus on how data-driven structures affect the construction of the physical world and how cities, and built elements within them, can be viewed as informational architecture systems.

The workshop will last from April 10th to April 15th. We will give all the updates from the results of this workshop next week

(Photos from this blog post are courtesy of Ronan Topelberg. Find more photos from the event here.)

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