Digital Tectonics Research Studio- 2nd Term Final Presentations

Students of the 2010/2011 Master in Advanced Architecture Digital Tectonics Studio had their final presentations on Thursday March 31.

In Phase II of the MAA program students attend one of three Research Studios: Self-Sufficient Buildings, Digital Tectonics or Emergent Territories. The Phase II final presentations for the Self Sufficient Buildings and Emergent Territories Research Studios were held on separate days.

The Digital Tectonics Studio is run by Marta Malé-Alemany, MAA co-director, assisted by Victor Viña and Brian Peters. Guest jury for the presentations included: Javier Peña (Xpiral Architecture), Oscar Tomico (TU/Eindhoven), Carlos Ipser (DHUB), Andres de Mesa (ETSAB-UPC).

(Above the guest jury listening to a presentation)

About the Digital Tectonics Research Studio:

Students investigate the work flow between computational design and material production methods, exploring the relationship between design inputs and computer programmable devices that can be used for the production of building structures and/or components. Through parametric design and material production linked with design programming and machinic behavior, Digital Tectonics challenges the traditional norms of linear file-to-factory production processes.

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