FanCity Theatre: Recent IAAC Graduates Take Honorable Mention in NYTC Competition

Andrea Debilio (Italy), Morten Bulow (Denmark), Antonio Atripaldi (Italy), recent graduates of the Master in Advanced Architecture 2010/2011 program, have won honorable mention in the Arch Medium New York Theater City competition. The students’ proposal, FanCity Theatre, was one of over 300 proposals submitted to Arch Medium and voted on by the jury.

Here is the students’ summary of their proposal:

“This project attempts to dissolve the normal relationship between the actors and audience.  It consists of two layers, a dynamic layer and a static layer. The dynamic layer is using the old railway tracks as a foundation for reconfigurable spaces. By enabling the functions at the campus area to be mobile, the campus area is able to suit the constantly change of need for the users of the campus and the public. The static layer is an envelope that provides shelter for the dynamic layer. The static layer is the element that communicates with the city and gives the campus area its identity. The core of the project lies in the relationship between the two layers. The interplay between the two layers enables the campus to generate a variety of spatial constellations, suit the constantly changing needs and act upon the notion of time. Just like the old train station the main driver is the time, but just as the train station the campus area will always be bound in the moment. The trains at the station, the campus area and the act is all temporarily. The show must go on!”

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