Final Presentations- Digital Tectonics Studio (Fab Bots 2.0)

The Digital Tectonics Studio 2010/11, led by Marta Malé-Alemany, came to its end today with final presentations by the MAA Students. The jury panel included outside guests: Branko Kolarevic and Vera Parlac from the Laboratory for Integrative Design at the University of Calgary; Matias del Campo and Sandra Manninger from Span Architecture; Valerie Bergeron from MATTER; Carlos Ipser from DHUB BCN; Madrid-based architect, Maria Eugenia Diaz; Eduard Cabay from Cloud 9 as well as IAAC staff, Santiago Martin, Luis Fraguada and the studio assistants Victor Viña and Brian Peters.

Later this week the Self Sufficient Buildings (Wednesday) and the Emergent Territories (Thursday) Studios will present their final projects.

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