IC.1 Energy seminar – Andreu Ulied

Andreu Ulied, CEO of MCRIT S.L., had a special session with the MAA students, as part of the Energy class seminar, concerning the mobility systems, as an introduction to environmental impacts and resources consumption related with mobility in buildings and cities. The session had the carecter of an open debade with the students.

Andreu Ulied has a PH.d IN Civil Engineering by the Politecnic Universityof Catalonia (UPC) and a master degree in Planning. Is CEO of MCRIT S.L., an infrastructure and strategic planning company which he co-founded in 1988.The companies name MCRIT  is derived from ´Multi-criteria¨, a well known  evaluation and decisionmaking method that intergrates  both quantitative and quilitative factors.He works as consultant for the private factors and the public sectors in the fields of infrastructure projects. He has contributed to the definition and renewal of transeuropean infrastructure networks and the definition of regional development strategies in Europe, in particular i n the mediterannean Area. He has researched in advanced information, prevision , and evaluation systems applied to infrustractures in different editions of the  European Research Projects Program, in R+D plans of the Spanish Science and Technology Ministry and ACC10, AND IN THE Europen Cmmission´s ESPON Program.

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