MAA Research Trips: Munich Stadiums, Abu Dhabi Museums, Hong Kong Housing

(Above- RS3 at the Olympic Stadium in Munich. IAAC TweetRS3 studio @ Frei Otto’s Stadium, 2h tour on the canopy, walking + jumping on the 70000 m2 of cable net roof! Unforgetable experience!”)

Students in the Masters in Advanced Architecture Program are split into three Research Studios (RS1: Emergent Territories, RS2: Self Sufficient Buildings, RS3 Digital Tectonics). This week each will be exploring a different part of the world. Each trip is related to the focus of each Research and Development Studio.

On the third day of exploring Hong Kong, Research Studio 1: Emergent Territories visited the School of Architecture at Hong Kong University, the Hong Kong Housing Authority, and the Terminal Cruisers Authority. Still ahead for RS1 is a gallery tour of the Hong Kong Planning and Infrastructure Exhibition and exploring the Kowloon district.

(Above- IAAC Tweet: “RS1 meet with Housing Authority in HK.”)

Research Studio 2 finished their trip to Dubai and Abu Dhabi. On the last day the group visited the exhibition of proposed designs for the future museums on Saadiyat Island.

(Above- IAAC Tweet: “RS2@Corniche Exhibition/F. Gehry,Z.Hadid,J.Nouvelle+T.Ando proposals for 4 museum/attractors”)

In Germany, Research Studio 3: Digital Tectonics spent time at the Olympic Stadium and BMW Welt in Munich before heading to Stuttgart. There they spent time at the University of Stuttgart’s Institute of Computational Design and Institute of Lightweight Structures. RS3 will have one more day in Stuttgart before heading to Basel.

(Above- IAAC Tweet: “RS3 studio @ ICD-Institute of Computational Design, University of Stuttgart. Presentation + Visit of robotic facilities”)

IAAC Everywhere:

Staff members from each Research Studio group are chronicling their travels on Twitter.  You can also follow all of IAAC’s stops around the world on Foursquare.

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