Urban Feeds at Smart Geometry 2011

Urban Feeds Team: Olivier Gras, Elsa Wifstrand, Federico Giacomarra, Scott Leinwebe, Bernadette Luger, Dimitris Papadopoulous, Woo Jae Sung, Felipe Pecegueiro, Morten, Bulow, Luis Fraguada, Tomas Diez

Smart Geometry 2011 just finished last Saturday, after an intense week of workshops, talks and conferences, all orbiting around the mean of Data, its uses and applications into architecture and design. Urban Feeds cluster, tutored IAAC community members: Luis Fraguada, Tomas Diez and Felipe Pecegueiro, was about the Personal Data Collection and the use of it to affect the behavior of city inhabitants. The workshop was an opportunity to develop a workflow proposal, based on a more protagonist role of the data production into the design process.

Personal Data Collection is the anchor point of the cluster, based on the use of the Ambience Sensor Kits (ASKit). ASKit are equipped with GPS antenna, Co2 sensor, light sensor, movement and temperature sensors, that allow to the user to capture and storage data into a memory card, while is scanning the city through paths. After collecting the data, it could be used as an input in Grasshopper and Google earth by the use of the G_Howl (developed by Luis Fraguada) plugin for GH, getting a real time visualization on site: hyperpresence + hyperrealism. The ASKits were then connected to Twitter and Pachube, for data streaming and information source for users to identify best places to go on the city, based on their interests and the Positive Ambience Zone Experience (PAZE). PAZED, PAZE + Devices, came out as a physical representation of the data flow and behavior, providing urban signs for people to move into the city. This whole workflow is creating a constant loop, where the user/data producer is the beginning and the end of the cycle.

Find more information about the cluster in the following presentation:

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