Phase III Seminar Preview: Multidisciplinar Optimization

Seminar: Multidisciplinar Optimization

Faculty: Santiago Marin (Vortica)

In Phase III of the Masters in Advanced Architecture students will continue to work on their final projects in their Development Studios and they will also attend three seminars that cover a wide variety of topics.

The Multidisciplinar Optimization seminar will be divided into three different sessions. During the first session the students will approach the cognitive engineering for design methods with an introduction from CAD to CED. With the knowledge of management and project presentation of the second session, the students will be provided with tools to manage information within in a multidisciplinary project. One of the objectives will be to find as many parameters as possible that are affecting habitats in order to create a model in the 3rd session.

A workshop will take place in the midway through Phase III where the students will start to develop their projects and identify the parameters surrounding their designs.

Industrial design tools created to quantify intangible elements and apply them to products will be the interest of the 5th class in the seminar. Within this study, a second workshop will be held to quantify emotional parameters from the students projects. Genetic algorithms will be studied by the students for the use of mathematical methods in order to solve complex answers. At the end of the seminar the students will be asked to find natural design methods: the complex meaning of complex systems.

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