IAAC presents at Harvard + WYSS Institute

Object 3D print test of a plastic origami

RS2 visits the WYSS Institute with Benjamin Hutton, the nanotechnology and micro-robotics research center associated to Harvard Engineering University. There, researchers presented their advances on intelligent surfaces, adaptive transparency engineered polymers, and flying or inflatable micro-robotics. Areti Markopoulou presented last research and academic projects of IAAC. Afterwards, RS2 visited Harvard GSD for a presentation on digital fabricarion and programming applications with Leyre Asensio and Panagiotis Michalatos. Andreas Georgoulias presented their research projects on ecologic infrastructures rating system.

RoboBee presentation at WYSS Institute

Flexible stress sensor at WYSS Institute

Areti Markopoulou presenting IAAC research lines at WYSS institute.

WYSS lab space

GSD trays

Presentation at harvard with Leyre Asensio on Digital Fabrication

Waterjet on a kuka robot at Harvard GSD Fabrication Laboratory

RS2 at Le Corbusier’s Carpenter Center

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