MAA Spring Lecture ¨Complexity in Geometry¨ by Josep Mias (MiAS Architects)

Josep Miás during his lecture presented some of the projects that his office has been developing while he explained why drawing is the basic element to measure the potential of each proposal.  Every new sketch must produce a new possibility, to be formalized in a three-dimensional construction, a model. As far as the drawings create new chances the project will move forward, going to and for, frantically.

JOSEP MIÀS, Architect. Graduated in 1992 in ETSAB_UPC, Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona_Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.From 1990 till 2000 he worked as Associated Architect with Enric Miralles. In 2000, Josep Miàs founded his own studio, working in landscape and urbanism projects, architecture and interiorism. Among other prizes those which should be underlined are AJAC Best Young Architect Award 2004, Special Mention in Girona Architecture Award 2005, First Prize in Girona Architecture Award 2007, City of Barcelona Architecture and Urbanism Award 2007, Catalonia Construction Award 2009 and Architecture Aplus Award 2011 for the Best Educational Building in Spain. Recently he has received the BUILDING OF THE YEAR 2011 Award, given by the most prestigious architecture website of the world Archdaily, for the iGuzzini Barcelona Corporate Building.Currently, he is Professor at the ETSAB Barcelona, UNISS Alghero and Bartlett_UCL London.

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