Opening of The World Bank Symposium “Rethinking Cities: Framing the Future”

On sunday night, in the Palacio de Congresos of Fira Barcelona, took place the great opening of The World Bank Symposium “Rethinking Cities: Framing the Future” with the exhibition My Very Own City (MVOC) curated by IAAC (curator: Areti Markopoulou, collaborator: Maite Bravo).

My Very Own City (MVOC) exhibit is a collective display featuring some of the most forward initiatives carried out by 23 Universities worldwide, representing a wide range of perspectives into the concept of Rethinking Cities.
Featuring more than 50 projects, this exhibit aims to be a collaborative dialogue around five key concepts about cities: “citizen”, “infrastructure”, “mobility”, “in-formed urbs” and “productivity”.
Responsive cities, distributed infrastructural networks, participatory informal settlements, adaptable habitat units, smart mobility systems, fab labs, new building metabolisms, productive territories and sustainable infrastructures, are some of the key concepts of My Very Own City.
 From utopias to subtle interventions, these projects become a collective reflexion on future and present cities.
A catalogue of the exhibition is also available, more information you can find at

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