“Digital Tectonics – Fabrication Ecologies” Research Line FINAL PRESENTATIONS!

Today Digital Tectonics – Fabrication Ecologies students presented their final project presentations infront of tutors Claudia Pasquero and Marco Poletto, and an international jury board composed by Manuel Gausa (IAAC Dean), Areti Markopoulou (MAA Director – IAAC), Thomas Ermacora (Lime Wharf), Ulrika Karlsson (Stockholm Faculty of Architecture), Neil Leach (University of Southern California), Jaume Avellaneda (ETSAV-Department of Construction), Juan Carlos Sanabria (Veritas University in Costa Rica), Edouard Cabay (AA School of Architecture), Jordi Pagés (Max de Cusa Architects), Manja van de Worp (AA School of Architecture). Check them out!

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