“Digital Tectonics – Fabrication Ecologies” Research Line FINAL PRESENTATIONS!


On the 26th of June in IAAC from 02:00 pm to 09:00 pm


Claudia Pasquero
Marco Poletto

International Jury Board:

Manuel Gausa – IAAC Dean
Areti Markopoulou - MAA Director – IAAC
Thomas Ermacora – Lime Wharf
Ulrika Karlsson – Stockholm Faculty of Architecture
Neil Leach – University of Southern California
Jaume Avellaneda – ETSAV-Department of Construction
Juan Carlos Sanabria – Veritas University in Costa Rica
Edouard Cabay - AA School of Architecture
Jordi Pagés – Max de Cusa Architects
Manja van de Worp – AA School of Architecture

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