IAAC MAA 2013-2014 Visit to Valldaura Self-Sufficient Labs!

Today the IaaC team, along with the new MAA 2013-2014 students, went up to Valldaura to visit the Valldaura Self Sufficient Labs.

The day was kicked off with a tour of the facility, allowing them to understand in detail what was presented to them earlier in the week.

This tour was followed by the presentation of the first term Studios, one with Javier Peña, Rodrigo Rubio, Oriol Carrasco and Stefanos Levidis; and the other with Marco Poletto, Claudia Pasquero, and Carmelo Zappulla.

A 0 km paella lunch was then served, giving the students time to relax and get to know each other.

The afternoon was then again dedicated to the First term Studios, that have officially started!


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