
Thursday 31st of October 2013

Anupama Kundoo

Lecture: BUILDING KNOWLEDGE - An approach to architecture in response to socio-economic and environmental concerns

@ 19.30, IAAC Auditorium
Open to the Public

At the lecture Odile DecqBenedetta Tagliabue and Alfredo Brillembourg, will be present as well, so it seems that we’ll have an interesting debate! See you there!


Anupama Kundoo is known for her research-oriented practice and her practice-oriented teaching. Her internationally recognized and award-winning architecture practice demonstrates a strong focus on material research and experimentation towards an architecture that has low environmental impact and is appropriate to thesocio-economic context.

Kundoo has built extensively in India and has had the experience of working, researching and teaching in a variety ofcultural contexts across the world: TU Berlin, AA London, TU Darmstadt, Parsons New School of Design, New York and is currently teaching at University of Queensland in Brisbane. At Parsons she was the Chair for Environmental Technologies and Material Sciences and in the various schools she has taught Architectural Design, Urban Management and Environmental Technologies. She has lectured and exhibited extensively across international institutions and has conducted workshops and reviewed student work at several Universities including Cornell University, University of Melbourne, Lebanese American University and University of Limerick.

Her projects as well as writings have been featured in a wide range of books, international journals and newspapers such as Phaidon World Atlas of Contemporary Architecture, AD Architectural Design London, Modulør, ArchitectureAU, India Today, Bauwelt and Duurzaam Bowen. She has co-edited the ‘Sustainable Building Design Manual Vol. 1 and 2’ for Institut Catala d’Energia, 2004; produced in partnership with London, Barcelona and Delhi. In 2009 she authored ‘Roger Anger: Research on Beauty’, about the life and work of a prominent Parisian architect (1923-2008) of the fifties and sixties, who was appointed the Chief Architect of Auroville, an idealistic city project located in South India.

Her recent contribution to the 13th Venice Architecture Biennale involved the full-scale facsimile of her ‘Wall House’ project.  As a runner-up in the 2013, ArcVision International Prize for ‘Women and Architecture’ she received an ‘Honorable Mention’ by the jury for ‘her dedication when approaching the problem of affordability of construction and sustainability in all aspects’. In 2013 she also won the Dr. Vishnu Joshi award for the best Ferrocement structure by the Indian Society of Ferrocement.

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