Built by Associative Data // BAD Bits

Tonight we had the pleasure of hosting BAD – Built by Associative Data, presented by Ali Basbous and Luis Fraguada, both IAAC Alumni, as part of the 2014 Fall Lecture Series.

Through the presentation of a series of their projects, Ali and Luis showed how with each project BAD strives to give a simple answer to complex challenges, considering data as something with the ability to form structured logics, through its inherent associative properties. These organizations are organic and naturally efficient groupings of data and can provide for novel directions throughout the design process. BAD leverages this concept in order to understand specific contexts wherever a project may arise. The data identified and collected from site analysis will not yield the same organization in Beirut as it will in Barcelona. BAD strives to understand and exploit these variations in order to enrich every one of their projects.

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