FAB FESTIVAL 5TH & 6TH JULY // Poppy project: open-source 3D printed humanoid robot and the FabLabs

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Poppy project: open-source 3D printed humanoid robot and the FabLabs Lapeyre Matthieu

DEMO @ 10:00 – 20:00 SAT, 5 JUL

“The Poppy project (http://www.poppy-project.org) aims at building an Open-source humanoid platform based on robust, flexible, easy-to-use and reproduce hardware and software. In particular, the use of 3D printing and rapid prototyping technologies is a central aspect of this project, and makes it easy and fast not only the reproduction, but also the development of morphological variants.

Poppy responds first to the scientific objective to study the role of morphol- ogy in cognitive development, in particular for motor control and human-robot interaction. It appears today that a suitable design of a robot morphology can greatly simplify control problems, increase robustness, and open new modes of interaction with the physical and social world. Thus Poppy aims to enable and simplify the experimentation, the reproduction and the modification of the mor- phology in research laboratories. It also allows collaborative working, sharing and replication of the results on these issues between laboratories. The ambition is to become a reference platform for benchmarking and dissemination of scientific results.

Thanks to its properties, this platform also meets a growing societal need: education and training in technology combining computer science, electronics

and mechanics, as well as a training tool to the emergent revolutionary 3D printing process. With its openness, its design and its rather lower cost, Poppy provides an object and a unique context for experimentation and learning of these technologies in a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) approach. Several experiences with Poppy in colleges, high schools, Science museums and Fablabs in France and abroad are already underway and will be discussed in the incoming sections.”

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