IS1 Introductory Studio – Torre Baró Energy District G2 // FINAL PRESENTATIONS

Architecture goes beyond buildings. A building is a concentration of activities in a particular location which should be responsive to concrete cultural, social, economic and technological conditions. In the 21st century, the buildings are more than machines for dwelling in. They should be living organisms, capable of interacting with their environment, following the principles of ecology or biology rather than those of mere construction. In effect, a building should be like a tree, which is able to rooting itself in a particular place, generating its own energy, interacting with the natural networks around it and creating complex ecosystems and landscapes together with other trees.

In this framework the Introductory Studio group 2, led by Edouard Cabay, with Rodrigo Aguirre, presented their projects today to an international jury board composed by: Areti Markopoulou – IAAC Academic Director, Silvia Brandi – IAAC Academic Coordinator, Lluis Víu – Max de Cusa Arquitects, Jordi Pagès – Creative Director & Motion Designer, Jaime Coll – COLL-LECLERC, Pepe Ballesteros – Pasajes Arquitectura, Javier Peña – Xpiral and Marcella del Signore – x-topia.

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