Wednesday 17th of December // IS1 Introductory Studio – Torre Baró Energy District G1 // FINAL PRESENTATIONS

IAAC intro studio g1 final pres2


Introductory Studio – Torre Baró Energy District G1

Wednesday, 17th of December 2014 // 10h00 – 14h00, IaaC Auditorium


Senior Faculty:

Claudia Pasquero

Carmelo Zappulla



Vicente Guallart – Chief Architect of the Barcelona City Council

Areti Markopoulou – IAAC Academic Director

Silvia Brandi – IAAC Academic Coordinator

Jonathan Minchin – Green Fab Lab Coordinator

Marjan Colletti – marcosandmarjan design limited

Sandra Manso – UPC

Lluis Víu – Max de Cusa Arquitects


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