1st IAAC Alumni Meeting // WORKING MEETING @ Can Valldaura

On Monday 22nd of June we had the inauguration of the first IaaC Alumni meeting at the Valldaura Labs, a sight that had evolved visibly for many f the former generations of Alumni. The Alumni present at the meeting came from 17 different countries, including Iceland, Norway, Russia, Argentina, India, USA, Mexico, Philippines, and more; and covering 8 generations of IaaC Alumni.

After a small coffee breakfast where the more antic (not old!!) and new generations met up for the first time. We then got down to business with a working meeting, resulting to be a very productive and active talk about the next steps for the IaaC  Alumni network. Among other things, the main topics discussed were the IaaC Alumni Platform, as well as the future possibilities of this network as a consolidated group in both the professional and academic fields. The main concerns of the new alumni regarded life directly after IaaC, many with both professional and academic agendas.

We concluded the productive meeting with a delicious brunch with all the alumni participants and later came back to IaaC for the Closing Lecture with Elizabeth Diller.

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