S10 – Experimental Structures // Final Presentations

On Thursday, the projects of the Experimental Structures seminar (Lightweight Structures 1:1 3rd edition) were exhibited at IAAC. Groups of students explored the applications of composite textiles and other lightweight materials in the fabrication of a large sphere, using the principals active tension, tensegrity, and expansion/contraction. Through the designing of a sphere, or its components, the intention was to focus on geometry and structural behavior, rather than habitability or otherwise architectural applications. The students worked transversely between digital and analog methods, using specific digital tooling for fabric pattering in complex geometries and CNC machine hacking. The seminar was lead by IAAC Academic Coordinator Silvia Brandi and assisted by IAAC Alumni Alejandro Martinez del Campo and Robert Douglas McKaye. Composite textile sponsorship was provided by Serge Ferrari. Additional jury members consisted of MAA Coordinator Maria Kupstova and computational faculty Rodrigo Aguirre.

See Students’ projects here.

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