Self Sufficient Building // FINAL PRESENTATIONS

On Monday the 15th of June were the Self Sufficient Buildings Research Studio, led by Enric Ruiz Geli and Mireia Luzàrraga, Final Presentations. This year’s projects proposed an architecture that goes beyond buildings: Factories of the Future. These work as an interface between architecture and art, digital processes and technological material development, committed to using new technological developments towards digital fabrication and the development of a performative architecture, creating intelligent structures, within the scenario of Global Warming. The jury board included IAAC Academic Director, Areti Markopoulou, Academic Coordinator, Silvia Brandi; as well as IAAC Design with Nature Faculty Javier Peña and Rodrigo Rubio; Judith Leclerc of CollLeclerc; and finally Agustín Javier Sáenz Fernández the director of industry and transport at Tecnalia, whom also gave a brief intervention just before the lunch break on the role that robotic fabrication is taking in the logistic structuring of the industry, in some way a real live factory of the future!

Here are the 6 projects presented:

Ressurecture - Maja Czesnik, Alessia Tosetto and Shruti Ramachandran – proposes a machine that recycles the daily waste of a region and checks the surrounding landfills and water bodies to produce fewer but more efficient products that are sent back to the market, finally recycling, producing energy, and generating knowledge through research and awareness.

GAIA - Salvador Martinez – proposes to hack the Super Organism, the planet, through the atmosphere and quantum entanglement to revert the effects of the planet’s temperature rising from entangled particles sent to the atmosphere, controlling and restoring the depletion of atmospheric layers; and suggesting a step closer to co-evolution of human being and environment.

[Inter]Bio-Cybernetics - Mehmet Yilmaz Akdogan – proposes a system for controlling real lava flow through the introduction of lava drilling pipes, creating a controlled environment where the observation and experimentation of symbiotic relationships can take place.

Ozone Factory (of the Future) - A. Angello Coarite Asencio – proposes an aerodynamic levitating globe of awareness.

FarmASeed – James Mitchell, Joel Kahn and Ahn Vu - focuses on Rifkin’s visions of empathy, zero marginal costs and sustainability, implemented through next generation of agricultural farming. The mission is to produce organic products without any genetic alterations or the use of pesticides. Visitors unite with farmers to produce and harvest these organic products, which are then later sold on the FarmaSeed market and the surrounding areas.

The Grid - Alejandro Carrillo, Borislav Schalev and Denis R. Li - Electrical Energy is the key factor for mankind evolution and at the same time is it Achilles heel, the demand of this precious resource keeps growing at exponential rates but our capacity to produce and transmit it is limited.



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