Thursday 28th of May 2015 // Prof. Bob Sheil // Design through Production: Perform/The Scan

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IAAC Spring Lecture Series 2015

Thursday the 28th of May 2015

Prof. Bob Sheil

Lecture: Design through Production: Perform/The Scan’’Design through Production: Perform/The Scan


@ 19.30, IAAC Auditorium

Open to the Public



Bob Sheil is an educator and experimental designer focused on transgressions between making, craft, and technology in architectural design practice. He is an Architect and Director of The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, where he is Director of Technology and Professor in Architecture and Design through Production. Sheil studied Architecture at Dublin Institute of Technology (1982-1985) and The Bartlett School of Architecture (1989-1994). With Nick Callicott, Phil Ayres, Chris Leung and Emmanuel Vercruysse, he is a partner in sixteen*(makers), whose work includes ‘55/02’ at Kielder Forest, a shelter designed and made in collaboration with Stahlbogen GmbH, which received a RIBA award for Design in 2011. Sheil has authored many book chapters, refereed papers, and articles on design, making and technology. He has co-designed and built six significant projects and been internationally exhibited on eleven occasions. He has edited five books, including three issues of Architectural Design: ‘Design through Making’ (2005), ‘Protoarchitecture’ (2008), and ‘High Definition: Zero Tolerance in Design and Production’ (2014). In 2011, Sheil co-chaired the international conference ‘FABRICATE’ with Ruairi Glynn, with whom he edited a parallel publication. In 2014 he founded the Protoarchitecture Lab at UCL, developing collaborative research between making, performance and 3D laser scanning, in collaboration with the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, SHUNT, and ScanLAB Projects.

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