Thursday 14th of May 2015 // Oscar Tomico // Close to the body

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IAAC Spring Lecture Series 2015

Thursday 14th of May 2015

Oscar Tomico

Lecture: Close to the body

Reflections on the role of the context, the body for material explorations in interaction design


@ 19.30, IAAC Auditorium

Open to the Public



Dr. Oscar Tomico is Assistant Professor of the Designing Quality in Interaction Research Group and part of Wearable Senses at Eindhoven University of Technology. Current projects focus on the textile industry and involve stakeholders during the design process to foster cooperation and reflective practices between participants to frame the design space, collaboration space and reformulate their design opportunity. Currently he is part of the ArcInTex Steering Group. He is project leader of the Smart Textile Services project of the Dutch Creative Industry Scientific Program (CRISP 2011), Material Science and Design Fiction (KIEM 2015) and a partner in the Crafting Wearables research project (CLICK 2013) and ArcInTex ETN Initial Training Program (H2020 ) . He has been a guest researcher and lecturer at the University of Tsukuba and at Chiba University (Japan, 2007, 2008), Aalto (Finland, 2006, 2007), at ELISAVA (Spain, 2010), UPF -DTIC (2010), Business engineering school, La Salle (2010), Luka (Belgium, 2012), Swedish School of Textiles (2013, 2014), ArtEZ (2013, 2014). He co-organized the Careful Designs and Hypercrafting Fashion events (Waag Sociecy, Amsterdam, 2012, 2013, 2014), Baltan Open Lab: Wearable Senses workshops and exhibition (NATLAB, Eindhoven, 2013, 2014), eTextile Sweatshop (V2_, 2012) and Crafting Wearables breakout session in The Future of Fashion is Innovation (MoBA, Arnhem, 2013). He has been moderator in the Craftism Design Debates (Design Academy Eindhoven, 2012). He curated the Systems Design – Eindhoven School at DHUB (Barcelona, 2012).

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