Thursday 26th of February // Alberto Diaspro // Does the aesthetic sense also exist at the nanoscale?

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IAAC Winter Lecture Series 2015

Thursday 26th of February 2015

Alberto Diaspro

Lecture: Does the aesthetic sense also exist at the nanoscale?


@ 19.30, IAAC Auditorium

Open to the Public



Alberto Diaspro was born in Genoa on 1959 and got his Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering in 1983, at the University of Genoa, where he presently is Professor of Applied Physics. He is the Director of Nanophysics at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Genoa, Deputy Director of IIT and Director of the Nikon Imaging Center at IIT – NIC@IIT ( He is Past President of Optics Within Life Sciences and European Biophysical Societies’ Association, SPIE Fellow (2014), IEEE Senior member and Editor in Chief of Microscopy Research and Technique. His research field is in optical instruments for application in biophysics and biomedical engineering and in the nanosciences. His main current research interest is in Nano-bio-photonics. He published more than 300 scientific papers with more than 5000 citations and 5 books in the field of Optical Microscopy. In 2014 he has been awarded the Emily M. Gray Prize.

Diaspro experience is related to the design, realization and utilization of advanced biophysical instrumentation. At Diaspro Lab, it was realised the first italian two-photon excitation architecture for microscopy and spectroscopy with extension to single molecule imaging. As well a nanotechnological approach for the realization of Nanobiorobot, hybrid nanostructured devices made by living cells and polylelectrolyte layers, has been developed. Diaspro staff designed and realized the first italian Nanoscopy architecture. His current focus is on super resolution methods on thick samples using both fluorescence and label free methods.

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