Wednesday 6th of May 2015 // Laura Andreini // Archea Sustainable Landmarks

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IAAC Spring Lecture Series 2015

Wednesday the 6th of May 2015

Laura Andreini – Founding partner and Principal of Archea

Lecture: Archea Sustainable Landmarks


@ 19.30, IAAC Auditorium

Open to the Public



Laura Andreini was born in Florence in 1964. She is an architect and a PhD, and since 1999, she has been Research Fellow at the University of Florence in the Department of Architecture — Design, History and Planning.

Since 1992, she has contributed to the Interior Furnishing and Architecture course with Prof. Antonio D’Auria. In 1997/98 she was put in charge of the module on the Theory of Contemporary Architectural Research for the Design I Workshop by Prof. Fabrizio Rossi Prodi and the module of Typological and Morphological Characteristics of Architecture for the Design Workshop II of Prof. AurelioCortesi, reconfirmed for academic year 1998/99 and 1999/00, taught in academic year 2000/1 at the University of Parma as well. In 2000, she was put in charge of the Architectural Design I Workshop and in academic year 2001/02, she and Prof. Cortesi oversaw the Final Summary Lab in Architectural Design. At the University of Florence, she taught Architectural Composition I until the academic year 2006–2007 and Architectural Composition II from 2007 to 2014. She was full professor of the course on Industrial Furnishing and Design in 2011–2013 and currently full professor of the Degree Course: Architectural Design III, part of the Environment and Architecture Lab; and ArchitecturalDesign III, part of the Architecture and Environment Lab.

Over the years, her teaching work has been combined with research and professional work in architectural design, since 1988, when she and the architects Marco Casamonti and Giovanni Polazzi founded Studio Archea.

Her research and exploration of the issues of architecture within the disciplines of architectural composition and design is expressed in her direct relationship with contemporary architecture culture, given voice through architecture journals and specialized publications.

She has been actively and continuously involved in the editorial committee for “Area —Architecture and Design Arts magazine” for which she has been deputy editor since 2003. Since 2012, she has been technical editor of Forma Edizioni publishing house for which she is also editing two series: one about contemporary Italian architecture, called “One” (since 2011); and the other about architectural itineraries, called “On the Road” (since 2014). Also for Forma publishing house, since 2014, she has organized cultural initiatives and events at Spazio A — Florence, specifically, the following conference series: Constructing Architecture” and “Florence, 1865-2015. A new capital: culture, custom, architecture.”

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