The third exercise was to design a hexagonal cement tile that reflects on Barcelona’s history of walkways and house tiling patterns. The main concept for the design was to refer circles to actual rain drops that are falling on the surface; randomness and differentiation in sizes represent the ‘spread’ of rain fall.
Category Archives: Maria Agnieszka Czajczynska
The idea of our system was to create a repetitive movement for semi-spheral modules that are tuning 360 degrees around x axes. Each sphere consists of 4 fiberglass ropes that act like an engine for the neighborhood module, the structure is put into motion only by moving 1 element.
Due to repetive parts the structure has possibility of endless connection and continious movement.
El Diamante
The assignment was to build a tower, tall, freestanding, with no extra elements, using four 840x400mm 3mm thick Plywood sheets.
The initial thought process was to achieve height by eliminating vertical elements and reducing the amount of wastage of material. To create stabilitiy and variation a “RING MODULE” with 5 nodal points was designed which could be generated 2 on each board. The remaining material was designed to be the “DIAMOND CONNECTORS” connecting the horizontal rings. Read More