Category Archives: Uncategorized

Giota Banioti+Katerina Inepologlou+JoseAl Guerrero

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Giota Banioti+Katerina Inepologlou+JoseAl Guerrero

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Giota Banioti+Katerina Inepologlou+JoseAl Guerrero

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TEMPERATOGRAPHY (Controlled Melted Surfaces)


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Team Awesome……bricks!

Team: Francisco Marmolejo, Manuel Huerta, Matthew Owen, Jesus Zabala

Description of projects: We decided to base our projects on a common material, Concrete. We used the concrete as a base material and then each of us introduced another element to bring light through the supposedly solid material. Francisco introduced fiber optics as the supplementary material that allowed for natural light to travel from one side of the brick to another. However, the specific focus wasn’t in direct transport of light but the distortion of it. Manuel introduced straws into his project that would play as light fibers that would extrude from the concrete forms, making them interactive as well as light manipulators. Matthew introduced Plastic pipes into his project that would make the brick lighter in the absence of material and also allowing for light to pass without obstruction. Jesus introduced fiber optics with LED’s, to introduce artificial light into concrete and have the concrete become a display of light.

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