IaaC Blog
Inside the Institute
MAA 2014-2015
MAA 02
Valldaura Labs
Open Thesis Fabrication
Research Trips
RS1: Network City Lecture
Tomas Diez lecture for the Emergent Territories Studio on the future Network City.
The lecture was investigating the development of urbanization since the emergence of the modern network city while focusing on conditions in contemporary urbanism. Tomas Diez referred to the challenge of the future in redesigning cities using data and information coming from transportation infrastructures and telecommunication systems.
Self-Sufficient Buildings- Mid Review
MAA Students have been designing a block in Barcelona using metabolic system and other sustainable methods, they presented their studio proposals with Antonio SanMartin and Javier Peña as a guest jury.
Passive Design Strategies
IAAC Lecture Series: Peter Eisenman
IAAC had the pleasure to welcome one of the ‘ New York Five’.
Peter Eisenman came back to Barcelona after 15 years with a lecture at IAAC .
Peter Eisenman and “Whither Achitecture?”
Wither, as Mr. Eisenman explained, means to dry/to die, whither with “h” on the other hand has another significance: what of …Therefore “what of Achitecture?”
“I don’t want to be controversial , I just want to tell you about the world that we live in today¨