IS1 Introductory Studio – Torre Baró Energy District G1 // FINAL PRESENTATIONS

This year’s group 1 Introductory Studio was developed around a series of questions, posed in reference to the context of Torre Baró: How can we transform a landscape into a productive one? How does water, solar energy, wind or biological processes affect sustainable design cycles for structures and landscape? Which strategies and which technologies are appropriate for such social and environmental context? The Introductory studio will focus on the topics of designing and implementing a self sufficient green house and a productive land, where “production” is understood as the production of food, energy, materials, and knowledge.

The Introductory Studio led by Claudia Pasquero and Carmelo Zappulla focused on the topics of energy, natural process, bio materials and environmental resources. The projects received feedback from an international juryvoard composed by Areti Markopoulou – IAAC Academic Director, Silvia Brandi – IAAC Academic Coordinator, Jonathan Minchin – Green Fab Lab Coordinator, Marjan Colletti – marcosandmarjan design limited, Sandra Manso – UPC and Lluis Víu – Max de Cusa Arquitects.

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