Final Presentations- Self Sufficient Buildings Studio

The 2010/11 MAA Students in the Self Sufficient Buildings Studio wrapped up their year with today’s presentation of final projects. The goal of each project was to create a self-sufficient city block in Barcelona. This Studio was led by IAAC Director Vicente Guallart and Javier Peña. The studio assistant was Rodrigo Rubio.

For the final presentations each MAA project in the Self Sufficient Buildings Studio was individually reviewed by an outside jury panel which included: Ali Kermanian (Ali Kermanian & Associates); José Pérez de Lama (; Antonio San Martin (aSZ Architects); Cristina Sendra (Eco Inteligent Growth); and Luis Viu Rebes and Jordi Pages i Ramon (Max de Cusa Arquitectes).

This was the second of the three MAA Studios to present this week. You can read about the Digital Tectonics presentations from Monday. Tomorrow, the Emergent Territories Studio will begin their presentations at 10:30h. All of the Studio presentations are open to the public.

(Above: Ali Kermanian (Ali Kermanian & Associates) discussing the MAA studio projects)

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