Jose Luis de Vicente // How to Read Culture in the Data Society

Tonight we had the pleasure of hosting Jose Luis de Vicente as part of the IAAC Winter Lecture Series 2015. Jose Luis is a curator and researcher working on digital culture, innovation and new media art. Currently he is the curator of Sónar+D, the Creative Technologies and New Media area of Barcelona’s acclaimed Sónar Festival, as well as a curator at FutureEverything Festival, Manchester. He runs the Visualizar program on Data Culture at Medialab Prado, Madrid, and is a founder of ZZZINC,a cultural consultancy based in Barcelona. He has curated multiple conferences, symposiums and exhibitions.

During his conference Jose Luis took us through his thoughts regarding  the possibility of reading culture in the data society, showing us some of his works, and in particular his latest exhibition project, “Big Bang Data” (Barcelona CCCB 2014 / Fundación Telefónica Madrid 2015). For Jose Luis data is one of the essential building blocks of society today. it is produced by our everyday activity and by the operation of all systems in the modern world: from transport to shipping to the vast machine of the technologies of capitalism. Data is also produced in the social space and a form of representation of how we live and think today. This presentation is a journey through stories and narratives of data, and the way we tell stories about how it is shaping the world.

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