Tuesday 3rd of February // Jose Luis de Vicente // How to Read Culture in the Data Society

20150203_jose poster

IAAC Winter Lecture Series 2015

Tuesday 3rd of February 2015

Jose Luis de Vicente

Lecture: How to Read Culture in the Data Society


@ 19.30, IAAC Auditorium

Open to the Public



Jose Luis de Vicente is a curator and researcher working on digital culture, innovation and new media art. Currently he is the curator of Sónar+D, the Creative Technologies and New Media area of Barcelona’s acclaimed Sónar Festival, as well as a curator at FutureEverything Festival, Manchester. He runs the Visualizar program on Data Culture at Medialab Prado, Madrid, and is a founder of ZZZINC,a cultural consultancy based in Barcelona. He has curated multiple conferences, symposiums and exhibitions. His most recent exhibition project is “Big Bang Data” (Barcelona CCCB 2014 / Fundación Telefónica Madrid 2015).

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