Freedom of Creation: Gaudí Chair

Freedom Of Creation (FOC) is where cutting edge technology meets design. FOC is a pioneering design and research company, specialized in designing with 3D printing technologies. The outcome of this work is either part of the FOC Collection or commercialized by other design labels. Since 2000, the extensive research conducted by FOC in design with 3D printing, has resulted in innovative and successful commercial products, the development of new industrial materials and even software products, and has been the foundation for significant R&D projects with a range of industrial partners.

Gaudi Chair was designed using the same method as Antoni Gaudi, who made models of hanging chains, which upside-down showed him the strongest shape for his churches. Additionally, to be able to determine the structure of the chair’s backrest, a software script was used.

The script was based on three steps: First the distribution of forces across the surface of the chair. Secondly the direction of forces defined the direction of the ribs. Finally the amount of force specified the height of a rib.

Materials and techniques were chosen to create a lightweight chair. The surface is of carbonfiber, the ribs are made of glass-filled nylon, by selective laser sintering.
The project researches how new technoloqy can be based on simple, logical concepts. In this case a concept which has proven it’s strength and beauty for over a hundred years.

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