The structure of dunescape has been used sometmes as an architectural concept. The contribution of the modeling software has been valuable in those cases. Two “examples” of such an attempt follow.
The first is the city of culture of Galicia by Eisenman Architects. The topography of the site distorts the geometry of the model which is also a result of the street plan of the medieval centre of Santiago
and modern Cartesian grid.
The second project is designed by SHoP for the MoMA (Long Island City 2000). It is a summer courtyard installation wchich provides visitors many ways to enjoy the hot weather. Five design elements,
the cabana, beach chair, umbrella, boogie board and surf are placed along a continuous wood structure comprised of over 6,000 individual 2”x2” cedar strips with a vinyl surface. The beach here is
represented in an original way. The form is obviously affected by the computer modeling software but in a different way than the previous one.