Fabrication Process

This work is a collaboration between Ayber Gülfer and Jordi Portell and describes the fabrication process for the Lego-like-brick exercise in the Digital Fabrication Tools class.

The nurbs modell was converted to a mesh and exported as *.stl in order to send it to the fabrication laboratory.

Brick as nurbs beeing modelled in Rhino 4.0. Unifying the parts.

Nurbs transformed into mesh in order to submit to fabrication.

We rendered the modell with Blender 2.54 to see the final result. We assigned materials and lights in order to have a realistic look at the piece before fabricating.

Model checked and rendered in Blender 2.54 (view b).

Model checked and rendered in Blender 2.54 (view a).

We submited the file to the FabLab and where notified by the assistants that our model had no problems and could be fabricated in the first batch.

We went to the FabLab and recovered our fabricated modell with the colleagues that had their modell fabricated in the same bunch.

Cleaning the first powder layer. A batch of 4 bricks in the machine.

Cleaning the surface once removed from the machine.

Getting rid of the powder.

The most powder removed. One can see the general form.

Removing the powder from the inside with a paint brush.

Last operations before completion.

Cleaning the remaining powder from interstices with pressurised air.

The finished brick ready to be reinforced by projecting glue on it.

Finished modell where the fabrication layers can be seen.

The brick at Iaac. A rest of fabrication powder remained in the inner edges and has to bee cleaned.

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