3d Brick

Group: Luz Michelle Lavayen and Erina Filipovska.

Assignment: Digital Fabrication / 3d printing.

The inspiration for the 3d brick came from an Arabic pattern which we used to make the skin of the brick.

Since the pattern consisted lines and circles, we used that particular one to correspond to the shape of the brick which has flat surfaces and circled pipes. We started modeling the brick in Rhino, working on the separated surfaces which we made to be 3mm thick. We offset the lines of the pattern, joined all the lines, we could have closed polylines in order to extrude them and make them solid. By Boolean difference we were able to make the desired holes in the 3mm surface.

The pattern is made to supplement itself, we used the basic one twice for the longer side and once for the shorter side. We copied the surfaces in order to make the whole skin of the brick. The circled geometric forms were designed to be where the pipes of the brick should have been, so we were able to use the form as a base of making the pipes.

For this is a 3d printing model, we wanted to do something in the inside of the brick too. Using the places where the circles intersect the lines we made solid boxes connecting the circled surfaces inside the brick, from one side to the other but connecting the opposite points. That way we got interesting structures inside the brick which can be seen throw-out the skin.

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