Laser Cutting ‘the bench’

Team: Mani Khosrovani & Manuel Huerta

The goal of this project was to create a bench that would be part of  a series of benches to be used in a particular space. To do so, we keep the end sections as they are in the original file that was given to us. Our idea was to create a back to back seat, but also make it dynamic where you can sit in different positions and have a smooth surface.

To start modeling the original shape of the bench which is a polysurface you could use CageEdit command - bounding box/world/select cage points you want to work with and then global… when you finally get the modeling done you will have to contour the shape in both directions to make the curves, then you Join each of them in order to have a single curve, next step is offset these curves, after this turn them into PlanarSurfaces, these are the Ribs, after you have the ribs you do the intersections, ProjectToCPlane the ribs and arrange them in an area of the size of your sheet.

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