Foam Model ..Horta Guinardo

Group Members

Andres Briceno   I   Siddhesh Kale   I   Jesus Armando Zabala   I  Ohad Meyhuyas

The Objective

The Aim of this exercise was to create a foam model of the barrios using the CNC Milling machine and learning the milling process.

The Process

Step 1: The zone assigned to our group (Horta Guinardo-Nou barris) consists of two hills and a mountain on the north west so we first prepared the terrain in rhino.

Step2: The buildings and the streets were projected onto the terrain.The building footprints were set to a plane at the lowest point of the respective building for the purpose of vertical extrution(using setPt command).

Step3: The building were extruded to their exact height using the data from Internet.

Step4: As it was not possible to print the mountains with the remaining barrio the mountain and hills were separated from the model to be printed later.

Step5: The file was made ready for printing and divided in two parts in order to fit in the foam sheet.

Step6: The Model ( without mountain and hills ) was printed on the CNC Milling Machine.

CNC milling

Sub Step 1: Fixing the sheet on the base.

Sub Step 2: Loading file on the Interface and running.

Sub Step 3: Vaccum cleaning the sheet.

Step7: The model is cut at the boundaries and cleaned using sandpaper.

Step8: To print the mountain and hills with the buildings on it.(Pending)

The Final Product

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  1. By Foam Model …Horta Guinardo on December 9, 2010 at 1:43 pm

    [...] Foam Model …Horta Guinardo [...]

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